In Sherry Turkle's TEDTalk she discusses how society is so glued to their phones that they don't even know how to be alone. She explains how the second we are alone, we pull out our cell phones for forms of connection. This is something that I see happening all the time and it's something that I'm guilty of. The only difference between me and most people I'm around is that I won't pull out my cell phone while someone else is talking to me. One of my pet peeves is when I go out to dinner with my friends and they are all fixed on their phones, while simultaneously having a conversations. Even though it is rude to be focused on your phone during a conversation, I don't think that people do it to be rude. Its become a habit so strongly programmed into most teens that they don't even realize they're doing it. As Turkle puts it, we are becoming robots. I wish that more people knew when to put away their phones because it would be nice to have a real conversation.
I have noticed that also, that when I go out to eat with friends they will be texting and what I try to do is have everyone put their phone away or on the end of that table so they won't grab it but it doesn't really work. I hope that eventually that habbit goes away cause people should enjoy the world around them