Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Calling All Dreamers

During spring break I had the pleasure of visiting Disneyland.  As I stood in the middle of Walt Disney's  creation, I was amazed at how one man's vivid imagination could lead to building something so incredible. Being at Disneyland reminded me of how important it is to have a good imagination.  This is something that many people ignore.  The school system is definitely guilty of not putting an emphasis on the importance of imagination.  Even though many teachers think that they allow their students to use their imaginations, they don't realize that the guidelines and their styles of grading put chains on students' thoughts. I think that more teachers should put aside some time in their busy curriculums to allow students to do any creative activity  that their hearts desire.  Also, these activities should be graded based on participation and not how well the students do.  If this change could happen, then maybe we would find more Walt Disneys in this world.  People just need to understand that a good imagination can do a lot for this world.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you that the school system does deprive students from creativity. As I get older I see how creativity is a essential especially for children. I have two nieces and this past summer I nannied for my 8 year old niece, the whole summer we stayed away from electronics and just focused on genuine creativity. My the end of the summer we had tons of art work, 15 books read ( fun reads), and a genuine enjoyment for coming up with with something to do rather than resulting to technology. If more creative aspects where involved in schools I assume that many other children would have a creative mindset.
