Tuesday, April 14, 2015

100 marathons in 100 days

                                           Video:  Man runs 100 marathons in 100 days
Recently I came across an interesting story.  Daren Wendell has just ran 100 marathons in 100 days to raise money and awareness about the need for clean water in certain parts of Africa.  During his incredible journey, Daren went through 30 pairs of running shoes.  Yikes! I could not imagine how tough it would be to run one marathon, let alone 100 consecutively.  I think that it is amazing that he would go to such great lengths to help other people out when most people won't even hold a door open for someone.  Daren has restored my faith in humanity and reminds me that helping others is something that we should always strive to do.  Not that everyone should run 100 marathons to help others out, but we should definitely make it a point to help people in need.

Monday, April 6, 2015

The Future of Nuclear Waste

In Richard Mullers' article Nuclear Waste, he argues that nuclear waste is going to be one of the toughest issues that future presidents will face.  Muller also raises some interesting questions on the safety of nuclear disposal.  As someone who knows nothing about the topic, I found his argument to be ineffective.  There were just too many science and math terms such as half-life for me to really get interested in his argument.  If Muller would have stuck to layman's terms, then I think that I could have grasped his message a little better.  Even though his argument failed to lead me to a conclusion on what I think about nuclear waste, I must admit that the article did make the future sound a little scary.  From the second I read the word "danger" in the first sentence I immediately pictured a future full of post-Chernobyl disaster conditions.  Besides the instilling of danger, Muller's argument didn't really do anything for me.